Saturday, August 4, 2012

Five Non-Social Media, Non-Marketing Blogs You Should Read

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It?s not all about marketing, and it?s not all about social media.

Believe it or not, I?m a pretty well-rounded individual. Or at least I hope so. I have a lot of other interests. Sure, I write about social media, marketing, blogging, and the like nearly every day, and I certainly read a buttload of marketing, social media, and communications blogs.

But all work and no play makes Ken a dull something or other. So I decided to do something about it, and give you the chance to participate. There are so many other great blogs out there that don?t talk about marketing and social media, that I decided to highlight a few of my favorites, and then give you a chance to share your favorites.

So here are five non-social media, non-marketing blogs that I enjoy reading:

Paste Magazine ? This is more than a blog, it?s a full website that deals with music and culture, but the blog portion of the site is a real gem. I know the founders of this magazine, and once upon a time I wrote for them?way back in the day. Nick, Josh, and the others have grown this into a killer online presence. But if it?s music and culture you want, you?ll love their various blogs. With categories like lists, awesome of the day, 1000 Words, you can?t go wrong, but also check out their Infographics blog. Trust me, you?ll be glad you did. Check out How to Solve Problems Like Batman, or if your want something a bit more serious and musical: Strange Sounds ? Odd Instruments Used in Popular Music.

The Ouro Bros. ? In addition to being a music fan, I also like to have fun, and The Ouro Bros. and the Neverending Tour brings me both. This blog, which is really a weekly webcomic, is created by my friends Jeff Burkholder and Jeremy Bentley, and follows the trials, tribulations, and every once in awhile, triumphs of a fictional band featuring two brothers. If you?ve ever been in a band and toured, or even had friends in a band, you?ll love this. I?m really enjoying how they have been developing the plot and the characters over time. If you check it out, take some time to go back and follow them through their journey. You might even find me in there?

Cracked ? Since we?re talking about humor, the blog at Cracked is a pleasant surprise. Growing up, Cracked was like a lesser known version of Mad Magazine. I don?t even know if the magazine is around anymore, but the blog is a pleasant surprise. Some of the funniest stuff, usually from real life. They really put culture under the humor microscope. If you need a laugh, check it out. Just one example for you: 5 Things They Don?t Want You to Know About the Olympics.

Tickling My Fancy ? Ah?food. Well, technically this blog from my friend Amber DeGrace focuses on food, drink, and travel, but since I don?t drink, I spend more time reading about the food and travel. I love the way Amber writes and describes the food, mostly because we share the same love of food and eating. Did I mention bacon? And for those of you who do like to imbibe from time to time, you might enjoy her posts about craft beer and home brewing. And sometimes she mixes the food, drink, and travel all in one piece. Check out this post about her meal at the Tupelo Honey Cafe in Asheville, N.C.? If the pictures don?t make you drool, you need to have your pulse taken.

Shawn Smucker ? Shawn is a local friend who I met via mutual friends and social media. I?m not sure how I would categorize his blog except to say it?s about life. Shawn is a writer by trade, but he blogs about everything from faith and culture to life with his family. I?ve mentioned Shawn here before (and he has written for me here before) because I really do appreciate his outlook on life and demeanor. He is a thinker who isn?t afraid to question things. A recent highlight was the series of posts he wrote during his family?s three-month bus trip around the country. Check it out, you?ll see what I mean.

There are certainly a lot of other blogs that I enjoy, but I wanted to keep the list small and keep it off the cuff.

Now it?s your turn. Use the comments below to share some of your favorite non-social/non-marketing blogs. What are you reading these days?



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